Milestone Systems is a company in fast growth, and that growth has been organic in response to the rapidly growing market demands of the security industry.

"Since release of the first Milestone IP-based software in 1999, a lot has happened in the security world. Hardly anyone was manufacturing IP cameras then, and the established security industry using Closed Circuit TV (CCTV) regarded IP-based surveillance as a mere child's toy, at best, or as a threat to their proprietary hardware and cable installations, at worst," explains Lars Thinggaard, CEO at Milestone Systems. "By the new millennium, however, the many advantages of new technology had become evident."

The Milestone open platform solutions for IP video surveillance continue to be on the forefront of developments in the security industry, sold and implemented through an international channel of authorized partners. These efforts have garnered thousands of satisfied customers satisfied in a wide spectrum of businesses worldwide.


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